KG - Fred Halsted - The Sex Garage (1972) (Fred Halsted, S&M aficionado and XXX film actor, emerged as a director rivaling Kenneth Anger in the genre of gay art-erotica)
KG - co-seed - Hisayasu Sato - Hard focus: nusumi-giki aka Survey Map of a Paradise Lost (1988)
!KG - Ken Jacobs - Krypton is Doomed (2005)
!KG - book - Gary Elshaw - The Depiction of late 1960's Counter Culture in the 1968 Films of Jean-Luc Godard. (2000)
KG - Hi Red Center - Hi-Red Center compilation (1964-8) (Japanese group of installation artists founded in 1963 and active until 1964)
KG - Piotr Dumala - Las (2009)
KG - Stelvio Massi - Mondo cane oggi AKA Savage World Today (1986) (Tits, ass, labia, penis, lesbianism, snakes skinned alive, cups of fresh (animal) blood, sacred cows, cows being slaughtered, cow dung and the women who collect it, blow jobs, transexual geisha girls, homosexual aversion therapy, penile implants, fingers cut off, sex reassignment surgery)
!KG - book - Robert Bresson, Jean-Luc Godard, Joseph Mankiewicz, Milos Forman - Cahier du Cinema in English 8 (1967)
!KG(?tru) - The Books - The Way Out (2010)
KG - Dominique Dubosc - Jean Rouch - Premier Film, 1947-1991 (1991)
KG - co-seed - La batalla de Chile
KG - Eugène Green - Correspondances (2009)
KG - co-seed - Carter Stevens - Rollerbabies (1976)
KG(?plab) - Gunter Otto - Josefine Mutzenbacher - Wie sie wirklich war 6. Teil (1984)
!KG - Ken Jacobs - Two Wrenching Departures (2006)
!KG - Teresa Villaverde - Os Mutantes AKA The Mutants (1998)
KG - co-seed - Jean-Luc Godard & Anne-Marie Miéville - Comment ça va? (1978)
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