Thursday, July 8, 2010


!KG - Bertrand SCHMITT & Michel LECLERC - Les Chimères de Svankmajer (2001)

KG - audiobook - Jean-Luc Nancy - On Communism (2010)

KG - co-seed - Chantal Akerman - D'Est (1993)

!KG - Ken Jacobs - Two Wrenching Departures (2006)

KG - Joe Ambrose - Destroy All Rational Thought [+Extras] (1998)

CG - Gamal, O Delírio do Sexo [Brazil] [1970/VHSRIP/x264] - João Batista de Andrade

CG - Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way [2000/TVRIP/XViD]

CG - Bukowski: Born Into This [incl extras] [2003/DVDRIP/DVD-R]

CG - Before They Die : Survivors Of The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot [2008/DVDRIP/DiVX]

!CG - Otto Mühl's Sexual Freedom(Commune,Nazi Kids..!!) [1972-98/TVRIP/XViD]

CG - Herb Baumeister - The Secret Life of a Serial Killer [1997/TVRIP/XViD]

CG - The Moors Murders Code [UK] [2004/VHSRIP/XViD]

CG - Ed Gein - The Ghoul of Plainfield [2004/DVDRIP/XViD]

CG - Zero Woman Red Handcuffs [REQ][UNCUT-UNCENSORED][JP/1974/DVDRIP-CG/DVD-R]

!CG - Born to Kill? Vol. 2 - Jeffrey Dahmer [1998/VHSRIP/XViD]

CG - L'araignée de satin aka The Satin Spider (Rare Ingrid Caven Lesbianism!) [France] [1984/VHSRIP/XViD]

(2010-06-15) -> (2010-06-09)

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