Tuesday, July 6, 2010


KG - Gilles Deleuze - Gilles Deleuze Cinema (2006) (audio recordings of Gilles Deleuze's seminar on cinema. IN FRENCH)

!KG - book - Jean-Luc Godard, Bernardo Bertolucci, Michel Delahaye, Andy Warhol - Cahier du Cinema in English No. 10 (1967)

KG - Pepe Diokno - Engkwentro aka Clash (2009) (Highly recommended for anyone interested in the New Wave of Philippine Cinema in general and Brillante Mendoza's films in particular.)

KG - Sandi Simcha Dubowski - Trembling Before G-d [+Extras] (2001)

KG - Jean-François Davy - Le Seuil du Vide AKA Threshold of the Void (1974)

KG - book - Herbert Marcuse - The Collected Papers, vol 1-4 (1898 - 1979) (perfect companion to Chris Marker's Grin Without a Cat)

!KG - Lav Diaz - Hubad sa ilalim ng buwan AKA naked under the moon (1999)

!KG - goldie - Andrew Kotting - Gallivant (1997)

!KG - Peter Kosminsky - No Child of Mine (1997) (is about a 13-year-old girl, Kerry (Brooke Kinsella), who is repeatedly sexually abused by several adults and at one point, by her mother.)

KG - co-seed - Khavn - Vampire of Quezon City (2006)

!KG - Jean-Marie Straub & Danielle Huillet - Straub: Three films: Itineraire de Jean Bricard; Corneille-Brecht; Joachim Galli (2008 - 2009)

KG - co-seed - Yukihiko Tsutsumi - EGG. The eggs in her eyes (2002)

KG - Alan Schneider - Film (1965) (Samuel Beckett’s only venture into the medium of cinema, Buster Keaton, cinematography by Boris Kaufman)

KG - Uwe Brandner - Ich liebe dich, ich töte dich AKA I love you, I kill you (1971) (Amos Vogel book)

KG - co-seed - Naomi Kawase, Sang-soo Hong & Lav Diaz - Eotteon bangmun aka Visitors (2009)

!KG - Alberto Farina & David Gregory - Pasolini and the Italian Genre Film (2009)

!!Subs - KG - André S. Labarthe - Un siècle d'écrivains: Georges Bataille - À perte de vue (1997) - http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/download/sub/3696552

!KG - Pierre Zucca - Vincent mit l'âne dans un pré (et s'en vint dans l'autre) (1975) - no subs

!KG - Haskell Wexler & Saul Landau - Brazil : A Report on Torture (1971) (Amos Vogel book)

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