!!! tru - Phonophani - Genetic Engineering - 2001
ADC- Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (2009) R2J NTSC Custom Subs
ADC - Red Angel (1966) NTSC DVD5 - Yasuzo Masamura
KG - book - Paul Verhaeghe - Does the Woman Exist?: From Freud's Hysteric to Lacan's Feminine (1988) ("A miraculous answer to the confusions surrounding Freud's and Lacan's theory of feminine sexuality. . . . A must for anyone who wants to grasp what psychoanalysis has to say today." -Slavoj Zizek)
KG - book - Theodore W. Adorno - The Jargon of Authenticity (1964)
KG - book - Karl Simms - Ricoeur and Lacan (2007)
KG - book - Paul Ricoeur - The Just (1995)
KG - book - Edmund Husserl - Phantasy, Image Consciousness, and Memory (1898 - 1925)
KG - Andrzej Dec - Jakub (1986)
KG - Jolanta Dylewska - Wlosy. Post scriptum do "Infantki" aka Hair, Postscript "Infanta" (1986)
!!! KG - co-seed - David Shapiro and Laura Shapiro - Keep the River on Your Right: A Modern Cannibal Tale (2000)
!!! KG - Illya Chichkan - Atomic Love (2002) (tru?)
!!! KG - book - Samuel R. Delany - Hogg (1973) (...Delany began working with sexual themes and wrote two pornographic works, one of which (Hogg) was considered to be completely unpublishable due to the nature of its content. It would, in fact, be twenty years from the time Delany finished writing the novel before it saw print... graphic and copious descriptions of murder, homosexuality, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape.)
KG - book - Louis Armand, Ed. - Avant-Post: The Avant-Garde Under "Post-" Conditions (2006)
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