Sunday, May 30, 2010


tru - Детектив / Detective (Жан-Люк Годар / Jean-Luc Godard) [1985 г., детектив, драма, DVD9 (custom)] MVO + original

tru - Имя Кармен / Prenom Carmen / First Name Carmen (Жан-Люк Годар / Jean-Luc Godard) [1983 г., драма, DVD5 (custom)] MVO + original + sub, R2 Optimum [PAL 4:3]

tru - Не трогай (тронь) белую женщину / Не прикасайтесь к белой женщине / Touche pas a la femme blanche (Марко Феррери / Marco Ferreri) [1974 г., вестерн, комедия, DVD9] DVO + original + sub, R5

tru - Десять ночей грез / Yume ju-ya / Ten nights of dreams (Акио Джиссоджи / Akio Jissoji и др.) [2006 г., драма, DVD5 (custom)] Original + sub

tru - Бельгийский авангард / Avant-Garde: Surrealism and Experiment in Belgian Cinema (А. Сторк / H. Storck, Ш. Декёкелер / C. Dekeukeleire, А. Д'Юрсель / H. d'Ursel, Э. Мёрман / E. Moerman) [1927 - 1937, короткий метр, DVD9 + DVD5 (Custom)] sub

tru - Китаянка / La Chinoise (Жан-Люк Годар / Jean-Luc Godard) [1967 г., политическая драма, DVD5 (custom)] VO + original + sub, R2 Optimum [PAL 4:3]

!tru - В белом городе / Dans la ville blanche (Ален Таннер / Alain Tanner) [1983 г., драма, DVD5 (custom)] DVO + original

tru - Верное сердце / Coeur fidele / The Faithful Heart (Жан Эпштейн / Jean Epstein) [1923 г., драма, поэтический реализм, DVD9 (custom)] original + sub

tru - Черная ночь / Nuit noire (Оливер Смолдерс / Olivier Smolders) [2005 г., Сюрреализм / Мистика, DVD9 (custom)] Original + sub (rus, eng)

tru - Долина пчел / The Valley of the Bees / Udoli vcel (Франтишек Влачил / Frantisek Vlacil) [1968 г., историческая поэтическая баллада, DVD9 (custom)] VO + Original + eng sub

tru - Маркета Лазарова / Marketa Lazarova (Франтишек Влачил / Frantisek Vlacil) [1967 г., баллада, DVD9] VO + Original

tru - Чудо Медеи / Medee miracle (Тонино Де Бернарди / Tonino De Bernardi) [2007 г., драма, DVD5] MVO + Original, R5 [PAL 4:3]

tru - Пыль времени / The Dust of Time (Тео Ангелопулос / Theo Angelopoulos) [2008 г., Драма, DVD9] VO (Казаков) + original + sub (rus, eng)

tru - Шведская история любви / En Karlekshistoria (Рой Андрессон / Roy Andersson) [1970 г., Романтическая драма, DVD9] MVO + original + sub, R5 [PAL 16:9]

tru - Месть Доротеи / Dorothea's Rache (Петер Флейшман / Peter Fleischmann) [1974 г., авангард, DVD5] VO + Original

tru - Кто знает / Поди узнай / Va Savoir (Жак Риветт / Jacques Rivette) [2001 г., драма, комедия, DVD9 (custom)] AVO (Алексеев) + original

!tru - Моргиана / Morgiana (Юрай Герц / Juraj Herz) [1972 г., Драма, DVD5 (custom)] VO + original + sub (eng)

tru - Как дела / Comment ca va (Жан-Люк Годар, Анн-Мари Мьевилль / Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Mieville) [1976 г., киноэссе, DVD5 (Custom)] DVO + original

tru - Каменный мост / Kamenny most (Томаш Ворел / Tomas Vorel) [1996 г., Драма, комедия, притча, DVD5] AVO (Кузнецов) + original

tru - 71 фрагмент хронологии случайностей / 71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls (Михаэль Ханеке / Michael Haneke) [1994 г., драма, DVD9] MVO + original + sub, R5

!tru - Частные пороки, общественные добродетели / Vizi privati, pubbliche virtu / Private Vices, Public Virtues (Миклош Янчо / Miklos Jancso) [1976 г., драма, эротика, DVD9 (Custom)] VO + Original + sub (eng, spa)

tru - Как далеко, как близко / Jak daleko stad, jak blisko (Тадеуш Конвицкий / Tadeusz Konwicki) [1972 г., Драма, DVD9] AVO (Алексеев) + original + sub (eng)

!tru - Девушка / The Young One / La Joven (Луис Бунюэль / Luis Bunuel) [1960 г., драма, DVD5 (custom)] original + sub (rus, eng, spa)

!TIK - El Asaltante (2007) NTSC DVD5 VIDEO_TS - Pablo Fendrik

!TIK - La Religieuse / The Nun (1966) NTSC DVD5 VIDEO_TS [custom subs] - Jacques Rivette

TIK - Pie in the Sky: The Brigid Berlin Story (2001) NTSC/DVD5/VIDEO_TS

TIK - William Eggleston: Photographer (2008) NTSC DVD5 VIDEO_TS

TIK - August Sander : People of the 20th Century (2002) NTSC DVD5 VIDEO_TS

TIK - Hurensohn / The Whore's Son (2004) NTSC DVD5 ISO

TIK - RW Paul: The Collected Films 1895-1908 (2006) PAL DVD9 VIDEO_TS

TIK - Sobibor (2001) / A Visitor From The Living (1997) PAL DVD9 VIDEO_TS

TIK - Den Basta Sommaren / A Summer Tale (2000) PAL DVD5 VIDEO_TS [Custom Subs]

TIK - Sagan (2008) PAL DVD5 VIDEO_TS [Custom Subs]

!TIK - Surveying the First Decade: Video Art and Alternative Media in the U.S. Vol. 2 pr. 4 (1972-80) NTSC DVD5 VIDEO_TS

!TIK - Klaus Kinski: Jesus Christus Erloser aka Jesus Christ Savior (2009) PAL DVD5 VIDEO_TS

TIK - Masquerade (1971) PAL DVD5 VIDEO_TS - Bostjan Hladnik

TIK - Autopsy - Life and Death (2006) PAL DVD9 VIDEO_TS

BHQ - Lake of Dracula (1971) DVD5 / PAL

BHQ - Schiave bianche: violenza in Amazzonia (1985) DVD5 / PAL [R1]

ADC - Lonely Heart / Sabishinbou (1985) DVD9 NTSC - Nobuhiko Obayashi - NO SUBS

?ADC - Audition (1999) PAL DVD9 - Tartan Collector's Edition

ADC - Sanada Kunoichi Ninpouden Kasumi: Shoujo Higi Densetsu (2010) NTSC - Chn subs only

!ADC - Pinky Violence: Essential Trailers (1970-1977) NTSC/PAL DVD5

ADC - Another XX: Red Murderer XX (1996) R2J NTSC No Subs - Naosuke Kurosawa

ADC - Irezumi: Spirit of Tattoo / Sekka tomurai zashi aka Irezumi (1982) NTSC DVD5 - No Subs

!ADC - Betelnut (2005) NTSC DVD5


anonymous said...

what is this blog about? where i can found the listed movies?

grand_guignol said...

Oh sorry, never suspected any comments under posts. All posts more like funny flood than something serious. It's sort of bookmarks from private movie-trackers. Not all of it I will download, and not all movies that I downloaded I have time to watch then. So it's like mnemonic game and base for detailed view of moviemaniac :- )
Pics is curious and bizarre screens from movies.
Prefix ADC, TRU, etc. meaning the movie-tracker. For example

If you interested in some of the listed movies I can help you register on some of the trackers. Somewhere I can send you an invite but somewhere all that I can is advice :- )

anonymous said...

thanks for nice response.
ive never heard about any those "trackers". these sites are something like piratebay with bunch of torrents?
well im specially looking for the NN891102 movie, if you can help i will be really thankful!

grand_guignol said...

Yes, those 'trackers' is like piratebay and they have torrents too. But unlike piratebay they have private invite system for new users, login/password system for geting into, simple rules about behaviour and rules (important one) about ratio (value of downloaded Mb's / value of uploaded Mb's).
DVDrip of 'NN-891102' by Go Shibata is up at tracker (it has english subtitles in .srt). I'm interested in it too, but not downloaded it yet. Specially interesting for me because it about psychological impact of the atomic accident on a man's life. Once (about 5 years ago) I was at Chernobyl with the same sad investigation - how deep the psychological impact for people was there in 1986.

I have remaining invites at, so if you want, I will send one to you. You will easy get 'NN-891102' from there. And if you will like at (they have many treasures), maybe you will become a part of moviefans community there. For invite your email needed.

anonymous said...

You are very kind! Of course I'm interested in the invitation. My mail is Thank you very much.
I¨m also looking for this movie for its psychological aspect, I think that the sound(at all) got really big depend of peoples life.
Once again thanks a lot!

grand_guignol said...

Invite sent.
I checked bands at your record label's blog and then found two Napalmed discs at my HD :- )
"Never Mind The MSBR, Here's The Napalmed"; "Crash Of The Titans" (with Merzbow). Listen it right now. Of course sound have great influence on peoples life.

anonymous said...

Napalmed are from my country, RadekK is awesome noiser.
Im checking the mail, still did not get anything, it prolly take a while.
Once again thanks a lot!
By the way, its interesting that you're also into noise, nice coincidence.

grand_guignol said...

You mistaken a little bit with email -
Now I sent it to correct one -
Now it must work :- )