KG - Various - Chutes & Brulures (1971 - 2007)
KG - Vito Acconci - Claim Excerpts (1971) (A documentation of one of Acconci's most notorious performances, Claim Excerpts is a highly confrontational work, an exercise in self-induced, heightened behavioral states, and an aggressive psychological exploration of the artist/viewer relationship. During the three-hour performance, Acconci sat in the basement of 93 Grand Street in New York, blindfolded, armed with metal pipes and a crowbar. His image was seen on a video monitor in the upstairs gallery space. Staking claim to his territory, he tries to hypnotize himself through language into an obsessive state of possessiveness: "The talk should drive me into a state where everything is possible." He becomes increasingly tense and violent, threatening to kill anyone who tries to enter his space. Acconci has written, "If during the first hour, I had hit someone, I would have stopped, shocked, horrified; if, during the third hour, I had hit someone, I would have used that as a marker, a proof of success... a signal to keep hitting.")
KG - Leopoldo Laborde - Sin destino aka Without Destiny (2002)
KG - Raoul Ruiz - Utopia (1976) (Spanish, German burned-in)
KG - Various - Schegge di utopia - Il cinema underground italiano (1960 - 1977)
!KG - Various - Fluxfilm Anthology (1970) (Films by Nam June Paik, Dick Higgins, George Maciunas, Chieko Shiomi, John Cavanaugh, James Riddle, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, Robert Watts, Pieter Vanderbiek, Joe Jones, Eric Anderson, Jeff Perkins, Wolf Vostell, Albert Fine, George Landow, Paul Sharits, John Cale, Peter Kennedy, Mike Parr, Ben Vautier. 16mm, b/w & color, 120 minutes, 1962-1970.
Starting in the early sixties, Fluxus followed in the footsteps of the Futurist and Dada avant-gardes, going against the established grain of Fine Art and Official Art.
Fluxus’ interdisciplinary aesthetic brings together influences as diverse as Zen, Science and daily life, and puts them to poetic use. Initially received as little more than an international network of pranksters, the playful artists of Fluxus were, and remain, a network of radical visionaries who sought to reconcile art with life.
Dating from the sixties and compiled by George Maciunas (1931-1978, founder of Fluxus), the Fluxfilm Anthology is a document consisting of 37 short films ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes in length. Elements of ephemeral environments, these films, some of which were meant to be screened as continuous loops, were shown as part of the events and happenings of the New York avant-garde. Made by the artists listed below, they celebrate the ephemeral humor of the Fluxus movement.)
KG - Rosa von Praunheim - Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt AKA It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (1971)
KG - Gino Hahnemann - September September (1986)
KG - co-seed - Alain Robbe-Grillet - L'éden et après AKA Eden and After (1970)
CG - Private School [1983/DVDRIP/XViD] - private school ost lp - phoebe cates sings! [1983/Other/FLAC]
TRU - l Giovedi aka The Thursday (1963) Dino Risi [with English subs] [Italy] [1963/DVDRIP/XViD]
CG - Gay Sex in the 70's [2005/DVDRIP/MPEG]